Got a taste of university life: Ms. König attended a lecture on English linguistics with her class.

Q2 English Course Visits the University of Essen

Last week, the Foundation Course of Q2 had an exciting opportunity to step into the world of higher education with a special excursion to the University of Essen. Guided by Miss König, the group attended an engaging lecture on British and American Pronunciation delivered by Prof. Dr. Frank E. Pointner, an expert in linguistics.

The lecture offered valuable insights into the nuances of English pronunciation, sparking curiosity and plenty of laughs as the young students explored both common challenges and entertaining anecdotes about mastering English. Prof. Dr. Pointner took the time to answer questions, creating a welcoming space for students to share their experiences with pronunciation and gain practical tips for improvement.

Beyond the classroom, the students had the chance to explore the university campus. They caught a glimpse of the vibrant daily life at university, from bustling libraries to lively student hubs, offering inspiration for their future academic journeys.

This unique experience left the students with new knowledge, unforgettable memories, and a deeper understanding of what it means to pursue higher education. A big thank-you to  Prof. Dr. Pointner for making this day both educational and fun!

Text und Fotos: Maren König

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Q2 English Course Visits the University of Essen